ALROSA Co. Ltd. is Russia's largest diamond company engaged in the exploration, mining, manufacture and sales of diamonds and one of the world's major rough diamond producers. ALROSA produces about 20% of the world's rough diamond output and accounts for almost 100% of all rough diamonds produced in Russia.
According to tentative data, ALROSA Group’s rough diamond production in 2007 totaled $2.36 billion USD, while its polished diamond sales totaled $146.7 million USD.
Geological surveys indicate that the company has sufficient diamond reserves to maintain the current level of production for the next 50 years.
ALROSA is a legal successor of:
the enterprises, organizations and divisions of NPO Yakutalmaz (former USSR state-owned diamond mining company);
diamond sorting and marketing divisions of the State Committee for Precious Metals and Gemstones (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation);
divisions of the Almazjuvelirexport Foreign Trade Association incorporated into its structure.
The company's activities are regulated by its Charter, agreements of lease with the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. In conformity with its Charter, ALROSA is a close-type joint stock company and it does not have a stock exchange listing. Though under its present name the company has operated since 1993, it has a longer history that dates back to 1954 when Russia's first diamond-bearing kimberlite pipe was discovered.
ALROSA Co. Ltd. was set up under Decree 158C of the President of the Russian Federation 'On the Establishment of the Almazy Rossii-Sakha Joint Stock Company' signed on 19 February 1992.
Head Offices
678170, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),
Mirny, ul. Lenina, 6
Fax: +7 (411-36) 3-04-51
Fax: +7 (495) 745-80-61
E-mail: info@alrosa.ru
119017, Moscow,
1-st Kazachy per., 10/12
Tel.: +7 (495) 620-92-50 +7 (495) 620-92-50 ,
+7 (495) 662-36-26 +7 (495) 662-36-26
Fax: +7 (495) 411-75-15
Telex: 113258 "Almaz" RU
E-mail: info@alrosa.ru
Representative Offices in the Russian Federation
Representative Office in Moscow
119017, Moscow, 1-st Kazachy per., 10/12
Telex: 113258 "Almaz" RU
Fax: +7 (495) 411-75-15
E-mail: info@alrosa.ru
Representative Office in Yakutsk
677018, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, ul. Ammosova, 8
Tel.: +7 (4112) 42-18-15 +7 (4112) 42-18-15
Fax : +7 (4112) 42-33-78
Telex: +7 414199 "Almaz" RU
E-mail: yakpredst@sakha.ru
Representative Office in Orel
300028, Orel Region, Orel, ul. Gorkogo, 24
Fax: +7 (4862) 43-71-13
E-mail: ak-alrosa@orel.ru
Representative Office in the North-West Federal District of Russia
193 036, St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 128 А
Tel.: +7 (812) 717-59-65 +7 (812) 717-59-65
Fax: +7 (812) 717-29-57
Foreign-based Trading Subsidiaries and Affiliates
Arcos Belgium N.V. (Antwerp, Belgium)
Lange Herentalsestraat 62/70,
2018 Antwerpen, Belgium
Tel: (323) 227-0658
Fax: (323) 227-1870
E-mail: info@arcosbelgium.be
ALROSA-Africa Branch in Angola (Luanda, Republic of Angola)
Rua Coronel Aires de Ornelas, no. 1, R/C
Republica de Angola
Tel./Fax: (244222) 44-39-00
Tel./Fax: (244222) 44-56-09
E-mail: AALuanda@alrosa.ru
Arcos Diamonds Israel Ltd (Ramat-Gan, Israel)
Diamond Exchange Maccabi Bldg. 2031;
1 Jabotinsky Str., Ramat-Gan, 52520, Israel
Tel.: +972-3-6128680/1/2
Fax: +972-3-6128714
E-mail: alrosail@inter.net.il
Arcos Limited (London, UK)
2nd Floor, 86 Hatton Garden,
London, EC1N8QQ
Tel.: (020) 7831-3004
Fax: (020) 7242-3174
Arcos Hong Kong Ltd (Hong Kong SAR, PRC)
Suite 6405, 64/F, Central Plaza,
18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel.: (852) 2521 9292 (852) 2521 9292
Fax: (852) 2521 9636
E-mail: info@arcos-nk.com
Jumeirah Lake Towers, Almas Tower, floor 47, office D
P.O. Box 340510, Dubai, UAE
Tel.: +9714 428 1312 +9714 428 1312
Fax: +9714 428 1311
E-mail: info@arcoseastdmcc.com
Arcos USA, Inc. (New York, USA)
580 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10036
Tel.: 212 921 4300
Fax: 212 921 4646
E-mail: RUSSDIAMO@aol.com
To sell rough diamonds of so-called special sizes, i.e. of 10.80 ct and up, ALROSA holds international auctions.
The auctions comply with the Regulations on Importing into the RF and Exporting out of the RF of Natural Rough and Polished Diamonds approved by a Decree of the RF President in November 2002.
Formerly rough diamonds of special sizes (+10.80 ct) were sold exclusively at tenders open only to RF-resident diamond manufacturers.
Offered for sale are exceptionally large rough diamonds, including stones weighing over 50 ct that have not been classified as ‘unique’ by a special expert panel of the RF Finance Ministry.
The bidding is by invitation only and takes place on the premises of the Diamond Chamber of Russia. Bidders are foreign-based and Russian companies, specialized in operations with large size rough and polished diamonds, and having high business reputation.
Notification of the date of the auction, its terms and conditions, information on individual exceptionally large diamonds and lots available for sale, their starting price, and other additional information is sent to invitees only.
Starting prices for exceptionally large diamonds and lots of special size diamonds are set by ALROSA valuation experts on the basis of estimated future polished value.
All the bidders are entitled to preview the lots to be auctioned. The diamonds are sold to that of the bidders who has made the highest bid.
ALROSA Co. Ltd. is a closed-type joint-stock company. It is a successor to the enterprises, organizations and divisions of the former YakutAlmaz Association, Committee for Precious Metals and Precious Gemstones (Gokhran of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation) and the Almazjuvelirexport Foreign Trade Association, which specialized in sorting, initial processing and supply of rough diamonds.
Shareholders of ALROSA Co. Ltd.:
Ministry for Property Relations of the Russian Federation - 47,6265 %;
Ministry for Management of the State-Owned Property of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)- 32,0%;
Administrations of the districts (Uluses) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 8,0005%;
Other legal entities and individuals - 12,373%.
Jan. 28 (Bloomberg) -- ZAO Alrosa, the world’s second- largest diamond producer, halted sales of gems to customers except for the state stockpile since late December after demand evaporated because of the deepening economic slowdown.
“We aren’t selling anything in the market at the moment,” Andrei Polyakov, a spokesman for the company, said by telephone from Moscow yesterday. The market may begin to recover in four months, he said.
Diamond prices have dropped 8.6 percent in the past year, an index from PolishedPrices.com showed. Prices will slide further as a weaker economy will curb spending on luxury items, Des Kilalea, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, said last week.
With demand shrinking, Russia’s state-run precious-metals and gemstones repository Gokhran is buying gems to help the monopoly producer proceed with expansion plans.
Alrosa mines a quarter of the world’s diamonds. The company had sales of about $2.3 billion in 2007, according to an October report from James Picton, an analyst at BMO Capital Markets in London. De Beers, the world’s largest diamond producer, had sales of $6.2 billion, he wrote.
De Beers said Jan. 21 it will reduce the amount of rough gems offered to customers by about 50 percent until April after U.S. retail sales slumped during Christmas.
Mining Stoppages
Some other diamond producers are cutting output. DiamondCorp Plc, which is based in London, said yesterday it stopped processing mining waste because extracting gems that way isn’t profitable. Diamond prices in a November tender were half the level achieved earlier in 2008, the company said.
Petra Diamonds Ltd, a St. Helier, Jersey-based company that mines in South Africa, has reduced exploration and withdrawn from the Alto Cuilo project in Angola. Toronto-based BRC DiamondCore Ltd. said Jan. 14 it’s extending a shutdown at its South African operations and starting talks with labor unions on job cuts because of “depressed” prices.
To contact the reporter on this story: Maria Kolesnikova in Moscow at mkolesnikova@bloomberg.net
Vyacheslav Shtyrov, President
ALROSA is a corporation established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. With its share of 99,8% in Russia’s total diamond production and the monopoly in rough diamond export. ALROSA is a core of Russia’s diamond industry and one of the world’s major producers of natural diamonds.
The Company’s production volume is constantly growing and in 2000 reached 1, 623 billion USD (in 1999 it was 1,41 billion USD). When ranked by profit volume, ALROSA is among the top ten Russian companies.
The Company employs over 39 thousand people, or 75% of all people working in the Russian diamond industry. It amalgamates the main technological links of the country’s diamond industry, such as geological exploration, capital construction, transportation, mining, ore-dressing, sorting, evaluation, diamond trade in the domestic and external markets, and industry-related research.
The employees’ unique skills and expertise makes it possible for ALROSA not only to remain competitive and retain its share in exports to the world market but also to aggressively implement investment projects including international ones.
The Company’s investment volume is rising rapidly. In 1995-2000 it invested around 1,2 billion USD and for 2000-2005 is planning to invest around 2,5 billion USD.
ALROSA pays a lot attention to developing its operational capabilities, and is currently performing surveys and exploration in six diamond regions of Yakutia, as well as in Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk regions. In 1999 ALROSA started geological exploration in Arkhangelsk oblast. The project in Karelia is about to start, where ALROSA will be involved in joint diamond exploration with Australian Ashton Mining. In 2000 ALROSA acquired from De Beers 39% share of "Severalmaz". "Severalmaz" is involved in diamond mining activity in Arkhangelsk oblast and the established value of the deposit reserves is about 12 billion USD.
ALROSA’s diamond mining joint venture "Catoca" is successfully operating in Angola. In 1999 its production volume reached 127 million USD and in 2000 – 150 million USD. The Company plans to increase its production in 2001, and is currently preparing to commission the second phase. In the future, ALROSA is planning to start exploration in Namibia.
The Company is increasing its diamond-cutting capabilities as well. This year cut diamond sales volume exceed 200 million USD, where half will be produced at the Company’s own facilities. ALROSA is currently developing the "Almazny Dvor" project, aimed at selling exclusive jewelry and certified diamonds in Moscow.
ALROSA has opened its representative offices in Great Britain, Belgium, Angola and Israel.
ALROSA has been successfully transforming and developing itself into a modern multinational world-class diversified financial and industrial corporation.
According to tentative data, ALROSA Group’s rough diamond production in 2007 totaled $2.36 billion USD, while its polished diamond sales totaled $146.7 million USD.
Geological surveys indicate that the company has sufficient diamond reserves to maintain the current level of production for the next 50 years.
ALROSA is a legal successor of:
the enterprises, organizations and divisions of NPO Yakutalmaz (former USSR state-owned diamond mining company);
diamond sorting and marketing divisions of the State Committee for Precious Metals and Gemstones (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation);
divisions of the Almazjuvelirexport Foreign Trade Association incorporated into its structure.
The company's activities are regulated by its Charter, agreements of lease with the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. In conformity with its Charter, ALROSA is a close-type joint stock company and it does not have a stock exchange listing. Though under its present name the company has operated since 1993, it has a longer history that dates back to 1954 when Russia's first diamond-bearing kimberlite pipe was discovered.
ALROSA Co. Ltd. was set up under Decree 158C of the President of the Russian Federation 'On the Establishment of the Almazy Rossii-Sakha Joint Stock Company' signed on 19 February 1992.
Head Offices
678170, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),
Mirny, ul. Lenina, 6
Fax: +7 (411-36) 3-04-51
Fax: +7 (495) 745-80-61
E-mail: info@alrosa.ru
119017, Moscow,
1-st Kazachy per., 10/12
Tel.: +7 (495) 620-92-50 +7 (495) 620-92-50 ,
+7 (495) 662-36-26 +7 (495) 662-36-26
Fax: +7 (495) 411-75-15
Telex: 113258 "Almaz" RU
E-mail: info@alrosa.ru
Representative Offices in the Russian Federation
Representative Office in Moscow
119017, Moscow, 1-st Kazachy per., 10/12
Telex: 113258 "Almaz" RU
Fax: +7 (495) 411-75-15
E-mail: info@alrosa.ru
Representative Office in Yakutsk
677018, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, ul. Ammosova, 8
Tel.: +7 (4112) 42-18-15 +7 (4112) 42-18-15
Fax : +7 (4112) 42-33-78
Telex: +7 414199 "Almaz" RU
E-mail: yakpredst@sakha.ru
Representative Office in Orel
300028, Orel Region, Orel, ul. Gorkogo, 24
Fax: +7 (4862) 43-71-13
E-mail: ak-alrosa@orel.ru
Representative Office in the North-West Federal District of Russia
193 036, St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 128 А
Tel.: +7 (812) 717-59-65 +7 (812) 717-59-65
Fax: +7 (812) 717-29-57
Foreign-based Trading Subsidiaries and Affiliates
Arcos Belgium N.V. (Antwerp, Belgium)
Lange Herentalsestraat 62/70,
2018 Antwerpen, Belgium
Tel: (323) 227-0658
Fax: (323) 227-1870
E-mail: info@arcosbelgium.be
ALROSA-Africa Branch in Angola (Luanda, Republic of Angola)
Rua Coronel Aires de Ornelas, no. 1, R/C
Republica de Angola
Tel./Fax: (244222) 44-39-00
Tel./Fax: (244222) 44-56-09
E-mail: AALuanda@alrosa.ru
Arcos Diamonds Israel Ltd (Ramat-Gan, Israel)
Diamond Exchange Maccabi Bldg. 2031;
1 Jabotinsky Str., Ramat-Gan, 52520, Israel
Tel.: +972-3-6128680/1/2
Fax: +972-3-6128714
E-mail: alrosail@inter.net.il
Arcos Limited (London, UK)
2nd Floor, 86 Hatton Garden,
London, EC1N8QQ
Tel.: (020) 7831-3004
Fax: (020) 7242-3174
Arcos Hong Kong Ltd (Hong Kong SAR, PRC)
Suite 6405, 64/F, Central Plaza,
18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel.: (852) 2521 9292 (852) 2521 9292
Fax: (852) 2521 9636
E-mail: info@arcos-nk.com
Jumeirah Lake Towers, Almas Tower, floor 47, office D
P.O. Box 340510, Dubai, UAE
Tel.: +9714 428 1312 +9714 428 1312
Fax: +9714 428 1311
E-mail: info@arcoseastdmcc.com
Arcos USA, Inc. (New York, USA)
580 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10036
Tel.: 212 921 4300
Fax: 212 921 4646
E-mail: RUSSDIAMO@aol.com
To sell rough diamonds of so-called special sizes, i.e. of 10.80 ct and up, ALROSA holds international auctions.
The auctions comply with the Regulations on Importing into the RF and Exporting out of the RF of Natural Rough and Polished Diamonds approved by a Decree of the RF President in November 2002.
Formerly rough diamonds of special sizes (+10.80 ct) were sold exclusively at tenders open only to RF-resident diamond manufacturers.
Offered for sale are exceptionally large rough diamonds, including stones weighing over 50 ct that have not been classified as ‘unique’ by a special expert panel of the RF Finance Ministry.
The bidding is by invitation only and takes place on the premises of the Diamond Chamber of Russia. Bidders are foreign-based and Russian companies, specialized in operations with large size rough and polished diamonds, and having high business reputation.
Notification of the date of the auction, its terms and conditions, information on individual exceptionally large diamonds and lots available for sale, their starting price, and other additional information is sent to invitees only.
Starting prices for exceptionally large diamonds and lots of special size diamonds are set by ALROSA valuation experts on the basis of estimated future polished value.
All the bidders are entitled to preview the lots to be auctioned. The diamonds are sold to that of the bidders who has made the highest bid.
ALROSA Co. Ltd. is a closed-type joint-stock company. It is a successor to the enterprises, organizations and divisions of the former YakutAlmaz Association, Committee for Precious Metals and Precious Gemstones (Gokhran of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation) and the Almazjuvelirexport Foreign Trade Association, which specialized in sorting, initial processing and supply of rough diamonds.
Shareholders of ALROSA Co. Ltd.:
Ministry for Property Relations of the Russian Federation - 47,6265 %;
Ministry for Management of the State-Owned Property of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)- 32,0%;
Administrations of the districts (Uluses) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 8,0005%;
Other legal entities and individuals - 12,373%.
Jan. 28 (Bloomberg) -- ZAO Alrosa, the world’s second- largest diamond producer, halted sales of gems to customers except for the state stockpile since late December after demand evaporated because of the deepening economic slowdown.
“We aren’t selling anything in the market at the moment,” Andrei Polyakov, a spokesman for the company, said by telephone from Moscow yesterday. The market may begin to recover in four months, he said.
Diamond prices have dropped 8.6 percent in the past year, an index from PolishedPrices.com showed. Prices will slide further as a weaker economy will curb spending on luxury items, Des Kilalea, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, said last week.
With demand shrinking, Russia’s state-run precious-metals and gemstones repository Gokhran is buying gems to help the monopoly producer proceed with expansion plans.
Alrosa mines a quarter of the world’s diamonds. The company had sales of about $2.3 billion in 2007, according to an October report from James Picton, an analyst at BMO Capital Markets in London. De Beers, the world’s largest diamond producer, had sales of $6.2 billion, he wrote.
De Beers said Jan. 21 it will reduce the amount of rough gems offered to customers by about 50 percent until April after U.S. retail sales slumped during Christmas.
Mining Stoppages
Some other diamond producers are cutting output. DiamondCorp Plc, which is based in London, said yesterday it stopped processing mining waste because extracting gems that way isn’t profitable. Diamond prices in a November tender were half the level achieved earlier in 2008, the company said.
Petra Diamonds Ltd, a St. Helier, Jersey-based company that mines in South Africa, has reduced exploration and withdrawn from the Alto Cuilo project in Angola. Toronto-based BRC DiamondCore Ltd. said Jan. 14 it’s extending a shutdown at its South African operations and starting talks with labor unions on job cuts because of “depressed” prices.
To contact the reporter on this story: Maria Kolesnikova in Moscow at mkolesnikova@bloomberg.net
Vyacheslav Shtyrov, President
ALROSA is a corporation established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. With its share of 99,8% in Russia’s total diamond production and the monopoly in rough diamond export. ALROSA is a core of Russia’s diamond industry and one of the world’s major producers of natural diamonds.
The Company’s production volume is constantly growing and in 2000 reached 1, 623 billion USD (in 1999 it was 1,41 billion USD). When ranked by profit volume, ALROSA is among the top ten Russian companies.
The Company employs over 39 thousand people, or 75% of all people working in the Russian diamond industry. It amalgamates the main technological links of the country’s diamond industry, such as geological exploration, capital construction, transportation, mining, ore-dressing, sorting, evaluation, diamond trade in the domestic and external markets, and industry-related research.
The employees’ unique skills and expertise makes it possible for ALROSA not only to remain competitive and retain its share in exports to the world market but also to aggressively implement investment projects including international ones.
The Company’s investment volume is rising rapidly. In 1995-2000 it invested around 1,2 billion USD and for 2000-2005 is planning to invest around 2,5 billion USD.
ALROSA pays a lot attention to developing its operational capabilities, and is currently performing surveys and exploration in six diamond regions of Yakutia, as well as in Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk regions. In 1999 ALROSA started geological exploration in Arkhangelsk oblast. The project in Karelia is about to start, where ALROSA will be involved in joint diamond exploration with Australian Ashton Mining. In 2000 ALROSA acquired from De Beers 39% share of "Severalmaz". "Severalmaz" is involved in diamond mining activity in Arkhangelsk oblast and the established value of the deposit reserves is about 12 billion USD.
ALROSA’s diamond mining joint venture "Catoca" is successfully operating in Angola. In 1999 its production volume reached 127 million USD and in 2000 – 150 million USD. The Company plans to increase its production in 2001, and is currently preparing to commission the second phase. In the future, ALROSA is planning to start exploration in Namibia.
The Company is increasing its diamond-cutting capabilities as well. This year cut diamond sales volume exceed 200 million USD, where half will be produced at the Company’s own facilities. ALROSA is currently developing the "Almazny Dvor" project, aimed at selling exclusive jewelry and certified diamonds in Moscow.
ALROSA has opened its representative offices in Great Britain, Belgium, Angola and Israel.
ALROSA has been successfully transforming and developing itself into a modern multinational world-class diversified financial and industrial corporation.
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