Dr Michiel (Mike) de Wit
President & CEO
Mike de Wit, President of BRC DiamondCore, has extensive experience in the diamond industry, having begun his career as an exploration geologist for the Geological Survey in South Africa prior to joining De Beers, where he worked for 29 years. Dr de Wit managed various exploration programs for De Beers in Africa which led to a number of kimberlite discoveries. Prior to his most recent appointment as general manager for De Beers in the DRC, Dr de Wit was responsible for all exploration programs for De Beers in Africa. In addition to MSc degrees in geophysics and sedimentology from the Universities of Pretoria and Reading (UK) respectively, Dr de Wit holds a PhD degree from the University of Cape Town. He brings some 31 years of exploration experience to the Company. Dr De Wit is based in Kinshasa, DRC

Arnold T. Kondrat
The principal founder of BRC Diamond, Mr. Kondrat is also the founder and Executive Vice President of Banro Corporation, a gold exploration company based in the DRC, and Director and President of privately-held Sterling Portfolio Securities Inc., a Toronto-based venture capital company. He has been involved in corporate finance activities for more than 20 years

Brian Scallan
Vice President Finance
Mr Brian Scallan, BSc (Chem Eng) BCom (Economics) MBA, is a Director and Vice President Finance of BRC DiamondCore Limited. His career started as a chemical engineer at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa. After completing a degree in economics and an MBA he practiced as a management consultant for a period of 7 years concentrating on marketing and strategy work. He joined Standard Merchant Bank to design and implement its marketing strategy and was a member of the Bank's senior management committee. He transferred to operations becoming Head of Structured Trade and Commodity Finance. He was also involved with major mining project finance activities in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. After 15 years with the Standard Bank Group he consulted in project finance, primarily mining projects in Africa. More recently he was Head of Funding for Nikanor PLC prior to its takeover by Katanga Mining Ltd. He has consulted to Banro Corporation in respect to its funding requirements

Danie van der Merwe
Group Operating Manager
Mr van der Merwe has extensive experience in the diamond mining sector in the areas of metallurgy, engineering and mining production. He previously managed Saxendrift on the Middle Orange River for Trans Hex and the Koidu Kimberlite Project in Sierra Leone. Mr. van der Merwe holds a National Technical Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and has completed numerous supplementary courses including courses in metallurgy, diamond recovery systems, as well as safety and management. He is based on site in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa

Martin Jones
Vice President, Corporate Development
Mr Jones has over 25 years experience in corporate and investor communications. Prior to joining the Company, he was a partner with Advance Planning/MS&L, where he consulted to a number of Canada's leading corporations. For a number of years, he worked in the public affairs department of Imperial Oil. He holds a similar position with Banro Corporation.

Donat K. Madilo
Mr. Madilo has over 17 years experience in finance and administration. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) from Institut Supérieur de Commerce de Kinshasa, a B.Sc. (Licence) in Applied Economics from University of Kinshasa and a Master's of Science in Accounting (Honors) from Roosevelt University in Chicago. He is also the Chief Financial Officer of Banro Corporation
Edmond Thorose
Geology, alluvial
Mr. Thorose graduated from the University of Toronto with a BSc. (hons) degree in geology and also holds an MBA from York University in Toronto. Edmond has nine years of exploration experience in gold and diamonds and has worked in the DRC for the last two years. He is based in the DRC.
Fabrice Matheys
Geology, kimberlite
Mr Matheys holds an MSc in exploration geology from Rhodes University in South Africa and has 16 years of field experience, mainly with De Beers. He has an intimate knowledge of the DRC, having worked for the last three years in that country. He is based in the DRC.
Corporate Office:
Address: 1 First Canadian Place
100 King St. West Suite 7070, P.O. Box 419
Toronto, ON
Canada M5X 1E3
Telephone: 416-366-2221 416-366-2221
Fax: 416-366-7722
Toll Free: 1-800-714-7938 1-800-714-7938
Johannesburg Office:
Address: Ruimsig Office Estate Building 6, Unit 4
193 Hole in One St (Cnr Peter Road)
Ruimsig, Johannesburg
Telephone: +27 11 9582885 +27 11 9582885
Fax: +27 110582617
Postal Address: Postnet Suite 585,
private bag X09
Weltevreden Park
1715 South Africa
Kinshasa Office:
Address: Boulevard du 30 juin
Immeuble SN Bruxelles (Ex-SABENA)
quatrième (4ème) étage, Appartement n°4, Commune de la Gombe
Telephone: +243 819971037 +243 819971037
Fax: 416-352-1484
Bankers: TD Canada Trust
Address: 141 Adelaide St. West
Toronto, ON
Canada M5H 3V1
Transfer Agent: Equity Transfer & Trust Company
Address: 200 University Avenue
Suite 400
Toronto, ON
Canada M5H 4H1
Auditors: Deloitte & Touche LLP
Address: Suite 1400 BCE Place
181 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
Canada M5J 2V1
Legal Counsel: MacLeod Dixon LLP
Address: TD Centre, CN Tower
100 Wellington Street West P.O. Box 128
Toronto, ON
Canada M5K 1H1
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