The south African photographer Kevin Carter was the author of this photograph obtained in 1993 in Ayod, a small district of the state of Junqali, Sudan, that traveled the entire World: the skeletal figure of a little girl, completely undernourished, bending over the earth, exhausted by hunger, about to die, dragging herself to a ONU feeding field which was a kilometer away from where she was, meanwhile in a second frame a black and expectant figure of a vulture awaits the death of the little girl.
The south African photographer Kevin Carter was the author of this photograph obtained in 1993 in Ayod, a small district of the state of Junqali, Sudan, that traveled the entire World: the skeletal figure of a little girl, completely undernourished, bending over the earth, exhausted by hunger, about to die, dragging herself to a ONU feeding field which was a kilometer away from where she was, meanwhile in a second frame a black and expectant figure of a vulture awaits the death of the little girl.
Carter says that he waited nearly twenty minutes for the vulture to leave and, since such thing didn´t occur, he quickly took the photograph, scared off the vulture protecting the child, and abandoning the place as quickly as possible.
Many voices were raised at the time against Carter´s attitude, comparing in a certain way to the vulture and questioning why he hadn´t helped the little girl. Even though by then photographers have a rigid behavior code that implied, in this type of scenarios, they will never approach a hungry person due to the possibility of disease transmissions, Kevin confessed that he regretted not helping the little girl.
This picture is the continous suffering around the world caused by evil men that run governments and corporations for greed and self enrichment.
Dan Jorgensen
I am truly saddened by this. Too much for words to express.